usage is oxygen for your ideas ✨

1 quote on anti-perfection, 1 prompt engg resource, 1 fermi problem

usage is like oxygen for your ideas ✨

Matt Mullenweg

the longer your idea is not out with the people the more oxygen-starved it gets – according to Matt Mullenweg builder in chief of wordpress.

I found this analogy interesting because it helps you avoid a set of mistakes you’d make as an early stage founder or anyone launching ideas in public. you want to keep an eye out for which of your ideas resonate with an audience fast. sometimes we chase grand ideas that are in our head without ever thinking for once if it’ll solve anyones problem.

its not that ideas are worthless, but how you execute plays a larger role in where you end up, than being fascinated with your ideas & not taking any action. here’s a list of dead ideas from my past:

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